Wednesday, December 23, 2009

unlatching secrets

I’m touching your skin
finding we’re the same

breathing your words
tasting your perception
feeding on you

all this is compensation
for our inadequacies

unclean and fleshy

I simply see it now.
soft and obvious
like February moss
after snow melts

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gaping Holes

pity and shame and pain and gain
a jumble

extracting meaning
is like pulling teeth

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Still Crawling

No, you were never home
Always at your office
I would visit you
You had that inspirational poster of a cocoon
I wanted to believe so badly
That something beautiful arises
From patience
I thought I understood
I still have your old office number memorized

I can’t misread this anymore
I was never enough
You weren’t either
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry
I just wanted you to tell me
That I'm beautiful

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


how foolish
to believe that time
erases memories
I brush my teeth and there you are
idealized, no doubt

ah, hope,
shall I invest in you, too?
I am so weary
of disappointment
what if you’re another?

there's snow again
wisps of hair in my face
too cold to move
conceal it all, snow
whiteout everything