Wednesday, May 23, 2012

the melody

I traced your lips
  singing the same
 and I
 the tears
 feeling more
       than this life can
                        hope to satisfy
 that truth
      —a hollowness
       in this body,
       a shaking like none other,
       a weariness resonating
           the steady invitation 
                     for more

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

the same

on my couch
spewing words
a song of sorts
that wouldn’t end.
I sunk to forget my choices
wishing I was
deeper into the floor
trying to erase
the past shame.


“something profound and
beautiful is happening in you and you don’t know
how to take it”
I am twirling my straw
attempting not to

for once you
are right.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


sitting in your car
trying to understand
trying to communicate well
being vulnerable and open
trying to not let any bitterness or misunderstanding get between us
—that is beauty.
I still go back to that
(over and over, actually)

I still go back to
the felt joy of meeting you at all
letting gratefulness suture
those gaping holes of fear
of doubt

I will keep trusting
that I will see you again
probably under that pine tree
with a celebratory cupcake

meteor shower

when you’re 7 the middle of the night is
so startling
but she has that smile and
I’m so curious why

we sneak outside
resting our blanket on the warm concrete
right in the middle of the street
she points up

207 was the official count
I will never forget