you have always been a song to me
trickling into cracks
filling me
with light
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
my melody
I am melody
with lows softly rising
to new heights
to life that swells
draw near to hear
my cadence
draw near to hear
my cadence
this beating heart
these clapping hands
my open declarations
of love for you
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
there is more
today I realized
the frailty
of my body
feelings in flux
hidden sickness hissing through
rules to follow
just won’t heal this infirmity
but you broke into me
with words
I love your heart
more than air
more than any tree
I love you more than the sky
I am here
calling out the restless depths in you
that long for more
I am here
I am here
with scars that healed
I am here, arms wide
for you
for you to return home
Friday, November 30, 2012
my incomplete list of small pleasures

Contagious smiles
Poems read aloud
Polka dot socks
Morning light
Breakfast with a good friend
Snow while driving
Leaving others baked goods on the sly
Barefoot traveling
Good handwriting days
Open windows
Coffee on the porch
Rereading an old favorite book
Learning a new word
Bad nicknames
Celebrating with silly party
Ridiculous puns
Songs defining time
Old lady stories
Thursday, November 29, 2012
no need for penance
You say hit me
I want to cry out
To make a cut
To give you a piece of
My heart
To let you feel
That I forgave you
before I entered
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
with gentle grace
you taught an angry heart
to open
again and again
I breath in this
this embrace has found the
core of me
Monday, November 26, 2012
sinking, rising
roots sink deeper and deeper
into earth, into dirt
but if I stay there I
deny the undeniable
the truth of the tree rising
towards light
Sunday, November 25, 2012
nov. 24
you've penetrated skin
with spoken words
snow falling on my coat
it is too quiet in this house
of mine
it is too loud in this restless mind
but I can sit here
I can rest
with You.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
joy and mutual love—beauty
in our unrehearsed declaration
in our human form and impossibilities
in the very depths drawing out
the fullness
of simple worship
Thursday, November 8, 2012
the gun
if I hate you I hate me too
you looked at me with tears in your eyes
I couldn’t even connect with
the fragile and strong alike
on your face
if I hate you I hate me too
and every person because we are all capable of letting
anger become a gun that
the fragile and strong alike
if I hate you I hate me too
I said it with a tremor because I felt deeply
fragile and strong alike
because I just cannot take these
wounds without a fight
Saturday, October 27, 2012
today at the deli
Tell me
little lines around your focused eyes
do you bury
your regrets
with every
nuance of restoration?
sanding away years
sanding away years
Little one, have you
Seen too much?
The old house
a project
with An End in mind.
your efforts have pavedlittle lines around your focused eyes
your house needs mending, yes
but I forgot to tell you that
but I forgot to tell you that
you don't have to
work alone
aren't we all hobbling around
with hurts that need
a heart to burn and a touch to reassure
and a love to heal?
with hurts that need
a heart to burn and a touch to reassure
and a love to heal?
Friday, October 26, 2012
In the coffee
up to my knees
Spilling stuff and
He is taking
(without my incessant
analyzing all the whys)
such a keen interest in stuff
that hurts so much
And now everything is blurry
Because emotions are sometimes
They. just.
is no simple thing
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
stare into the clear sky
feeling inadequate in the universe
dance in a parking lot
with a girl i want to kiss
get breakfast at ihop
and laugh about things that are only funny when you're tired
feel the rush
of plummeting down a rollercoaster's hill
feeling inadequate in the universe
with a girl i want to kiss
and laugh about things that are only funny when you're tired
of plummeting down a rollercoaster's hill
stare into the clear sky
dance in the parking lot
get breakfast at ihop
feel the rush
stare into
a girl
get tired
of down
i want
the rush
the universe
to kiss
and laugh
and feel
feeling inadequate in the universe
dance in a parking lot
with a girl i want to kiss
get breakfast at ihop
and laugh about things that are only funny when you're tired
feel the rush
of plummeting down a rollercoaster's hill
feeling inadequate in the universe
with a girl i want to kiss
and laugh about things that are only funny when you're tired
of plummeting down a rollercoaster's hill
stare into the clear sky
dance in the parking lot
get breakfast at ihop
feel the rush
stare into
a girl
get tired
of down
i want
the rush
the universe
to kiss
and laugh
and feel
Friday, October 5, 2012
Hope is not Fragile
I am dirt
with breakable bones
and aging skin
I am heart
with aching desires, with blood
and pulsing movement
I am light
with an unspoken Word
bursting life
I am one
with You
and my finite complexities are
complete in eternal love
with breakable bones
and aging skin
I am heart
with aching desires, with blood
and pulsing movement
I am light
with an unspoken Word
bursting life
I am one
with You
and my finite complexities are
complete in eternal love
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
your love
& now
i'm not thinking about my imperfections
i'm thinking about you
i'm thinking about
your love
& a miracle is happening
this opening, this love
is the remedy
that is healing even the residue of
those deep cuts
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
this rushing
this wind
took this shell
shook this shell
and awakened
a desire
reverberating back
to your heart
i am shaking and
waking and wanting your love
and more
so breathe
so dance
so fling open your longing
'cause i
am yours
Saturday, July 28, 2012
all things new
i remember when you spoke to me
and i
without question
because of love
(because of love!)
forgot my inabilities
forgot who i'm not
and felt fully the intense delight of who
you said i am
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
the light
find the light
i heard you say
over and over
it was a rhythm
it was a song
a part of my breathing and
ultimately my heart
i traced the freckles on my hand back to
the dirt
i made my home in the familiarity of
the known
what i see
everyday mundane
my thinking, my perceiving
but finally finally
i looked up
and so
i flung open
all words and melody cleansing
and so
i found you.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
keep going
push forward
for such a thing
falling into the world
of hunger and disappointment
the grit and ache of
fitting together all the frayed
into the embrace
into the embrace
connected to
a touch that heals
a depth that satisfies
the falling
falling falling
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
the melody
I traced your lips
singing the same
and I
the tears
feeling more
than this life can
hope to satisfy
hope to satisfy
that truth
—a hollowness
in this body,
a shaking like none other,
a weariness resonating
the steady invitation
for more
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
the same
on my couch
spewing words
a song of sorts
that wouldn’t end.
I sunk to forget my choices
wishing I was
deeper into the floor
trying to erase
the past shame.
“something profound and
beautiful is happening in you and you don’t know
how to take it”
I am twirling my straw
attempting not to
for once you
are right.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
sitting in your car
trying to understand
trying to communicate well
being vulnerable and open
trying to not let any bitterness or
misunderstanding get between us
—that is beauty.
I still go back to that
(over and over, actually)
I still go back to
the felt joy of meeting you at all
letting gratefulness suture
those gaping holes of fear
of doubt
I will keep trusting
that I will see you again
that I will see you again
probably under that pine tree
with a celebratory cupcake
meteor shower
when you’re 7 the middle of the night is
so startling
but she has that smile and
I’m so curious why
we sneak outside
resting our blanket on the warm concrete
right in the middle of the street
she points up
207 was the official count
I will never forget
Sunday, April 29, 2012
is the newness that greets my mornings
the softness that meets hurried sighs
finding me with
pretenses unraveling
in a space without limits
Saturday, April 28, 2012
I forget—
when I focus too much on little things that will not last—
I forget
about beauty
about beauty
truly we are all a part of
how privileged
I am
to see
at all
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
I shoved my desk
across my room
it now faces the window
for painting
the mailman finally
took the note we wrote
(thanking him for his unending service,
excluding federal holidays)
just as I was about to write him
dancing with a one year old
is simply
the best.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
I will
give in to summertime
telling fear a simple
I will
be untidy about lines
freedom in
coffee stains and
a lamp and a guitar
psalms felt with spirit
with passion
I will
risk it all to hear
just the sound of your voice
just the whisper at night
with the fan on low
I will
admit I have been slow
in growing
but summer
I hear
is when things swell
Friday, April 20, 2012
i know you've been waiting
with arms open
and a heart ready
i know you've been waiting for me
to come home
with arms open
and a heart ready
i know you've been waiting for me
to come home
what if a year from now I am still
mopping floors
the same place, the same old
windows facing a parking lot with
the sunrise
in the morning
will I doubt
will I plead with raw skin
with eyes down
with a heart unsatisfied
facing the brick wall
tracing the past
to please please please
Thursday, April 12, 2012
I miss
in the all-consuming
crying in the checkout line
buying bananas
sort of way.
I have not forgotten
how easily we became best friends.
I will not forget.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
find me within
meet my
heal with your steady whisper
because I know you
I know you
I know you think the best
of me
even when I offer filthy rags
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Choppy thoughts and messed up hair
Miles to sort out
My eyes are welling too much
I’ve wanted to cover some of the
I’ve found
Regressing back to sarcasm
Back to sleep.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
gold hues
wispy clouds
we’re chucking donuts
(our favorite kinds)
off the jones’ memorial
when I’m with you
I feel like a kid again
living deep
without thinking about
without thinking about
Monday, February 27, 2012
bright afternoon
the release of
closing my eyes
lost in melody
with an old friend
saying nothing
drinking soda from bottles
light flickering through bare trees
light flickering through bare trees
driving home
Thursday, February 23, 2012
I want you to
that I see this is painful
your eyes were down
and I wanted to just
hold your
shaking hands
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
I think the beauty of this is that
it is beyond us
in a way that is causing us to open
both pain and love
and maybe now is about
focusing on that
focusing on
focusing on
freeing more pain
freeing more love
Sunday, February 19, 2012
I needed to give
beyond what I thought
so I sat on the floor
and remembered your
Thursday, February 16, 2012
the pause
grinding coffee
you met my glance
gently asked me to talk
tears brimming and red-faced
I confessed my pain
the pressure
how much I care
I needed to be heard
wanted to be open
however raw and unkempt
however raw and unkempt
and you
you listened
you shared the weight
your beautiful heart
paused for me
Sunday, February 12, 2012
this time
it will be more than a taste
this time
it will surpass
shifting emotions or what I see as reality
this time
I will swallow the bread
take you in
and claim
that you have always been
Saturday, February 11, 2012
I love you
for the fragments I offer
my feeble love
I am
swelling into something
into a life mended
by the spirit who
gives up
Friday, February 10, 2012
liar's paradox
when i apologized on the phone
she said everything to deny my wrongdoing
but we never talked again
cause i think she finally saw the truth in it
i wish i didn't tell her
because it was only true once i said it
she said everything to deny my wrongdoing
but we never talked again
cause i think she finally saw the truth in it
i wish i didn't tell her
because it was only true once i said it
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
this time it’s different
this time
I have the infinite
security of your arms
security of your arms
falls will
echo how
I am
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
little cues
fix that door
at work
that flings
open from the
I guess
I’m not doing
I guess
I might be
Friday, January 13, 2012
I could be
stained with anger
crawling into a comfortable bitterness
into a quilt
hibernating until the heat
of summer
forces me out
but tear me wide open
I will feel the penetrating ache of missing
letting time pass slowly
without resentment
without forgetting our dreams:
painted tire swings on every tree of the cemetery
eating maple pecan granola in our morning bowls
collaging together with tea, snow falling under streetlights
I will cry most days, maybe
but this, this
this throbbing flow of hope
this rawness creating innocence
a continual newness
is better than being immobilized
so grow
within me
push out any darkness
I’m yielded
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
the pulse
light rousing eyes
water swishing
coffee’s dripping
it’s early
but never too early
to take in this breathing world
to exhale thank you
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
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